The Bible is interesting

This is OverviewBible. It’s a place where a guy named Jeffrey makes stuff to help people know the Bible better. Here’s our contact page, if you’re looking to get in touch. You’ll find all kinds of stuff here, from Bible verse art to Bible character profiles to glib infographics. It’s all generally going to fall into at least one of three categories.  

This site focuses on 3 big questions:

What is the Bible?

  bible-drawing Who wrote it? Where did it come from? What are the various books about?

What’s in the Bible?



We examine what the Bible says (or doesn’t say) on interesting topics.

How do we study it?



It’s a huge book put together a long time ago. How can we understand it?

So how do we keep the lights on?

OverviewBible is a labor of love, but there are a few ways that we balance the costs of this website. Generous patrons support us. OverviewBible is on Patreon, and some generous readers pitch in to help us cover expenses. We get commissions for recommending products.  Yes, we do the whole Amazon Associates thing, so if you follow any link to from this site, assume it’s an affiliate link. You don’t get charged any extra, but we do get a kickback for sending you their way. If you really want the legalese: The Overview Bible Project is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This nets us, like, $30 per month. So we’re pretty much rolling in it. Then there are a handful of ministry-oriented organizations we partner with to recommend products to. Logos Bible Software is the main one.