St. John the ApostleYou’ve already seen the infographic on his older brother: now let’s get a closer look at the apostle John.

John is one of those characters you hear from a lot in the Bible—he’s traditionally credited  for writing five books of the New Testament. We know a good deal about what he witnessed, but how much do we know about what he did?

Here’s an infographic that breaks it down. (You might also want to check out the infographic on his brother James, too.)

Infographic: St. John the apostle

St. John the apostle

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Those (and even more) facts about St. John the apostle

  • Jesus called John and his brother James “Boanerges,” or “Sons of Thunder.” This could refer to their speaking style, their harshness, or their ambition. For example, James and John ask permission to call fire down on a village that doesn’t accept Jesus (Lk 9:54).
  • John, along with James, Peter, and Andrew, was once a fisherman. He worked with his father Zebedee, who was successful enough to afford hired help (Mk 1:20).
  • John is part of the “inner three” (with Peter and James). Jesus keeps these disciples closest (Mk 5:37; Mt 17:1–2, 26:37). After Jesus’ resurrection, these three become notable leaders in the church.
  • At one time, John prefers that the twelve and those following the twelve should be the only ones casting out demons in Jesus’ name. (Mk 9:38; Lk 9:49)
  • Paul says John is considered a “pillar” in the Jewish church. (Ga 2:9)
  • John has written more of the New Testament than any other member of the twelve (Matthew’s next). According to tradition, John wrote the Gospel of John, First, Second, and Third John, and Revelation.
  • John and his brother James ask Jesus to give them special positions of honor in His kingdom (their mother thought they deserved it, too). Jesus asks them if they’re willing to drink His cup, and they quickly agree to it—though they don’t really know what they’re talking about. Jesus guarantees that they will be identified with Him, but cannot promise them the positions they request (Mk 10:35–40).
  • According to tradition, John relocated to Ephesus, where he led the church that Paul founded.
  • John was exiled to the isle of Patmos for some time due to his testimony. It was here that he saw the vision of Jesus and recorded the book of Revelation (Re 1:9).

Want to meet more of the apostles? Click here.


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