I spent the majority of this past week entertaining stellar house guests and beginning work on a child theme (both for this site and something special I’m cooking up for you in 2015). But I also found a few really cool things to share with you:
- Free book: 300 Quotations for Preachers from the Puritans
This is Logos Bible Software’s Free Book of the Month. - Which OT book did Jesus quote most?
I’ve begun writing guest posts for the new Biblia blog—more info on this in a later post. Here’s the first one. - Lorem Ipsum for Muppetophiles
It’s no secret: I love the Muppets. I was designing some wireframes this weekend and though, “Man, I wonder if there’s a Muppet Lorem Ipsum generator I could use for this.” Oh, there is! Check out Bork Bork Borksum, the Swedish Chef filler text generator.
Keep an eye out:
This week I’ll be getting you another infographic on the apostles. We’ll also answer the question, “What’s the least-read book of the Bible?”