Lots of cool stuff to share this week, folks. Enjoy!
- The Bible Project
So there’s another group of Bible geeks out there making it easier for you to wrap your mind around the Bible’s general story. It’s the Bible Project: a movement to create free, high-end video overviews of every book of the Bible.
They just released their overview of Genesis 1–11. Check it out. It’s gorgeous. - Not new material, but you might enjoy these videos of Jason Derouchie and Andy Naselli summarizing the Old and New Testaments. Just so you know: these videos are 10 minutes each, so set aside a little time before watching them here.
And if you like, you can compare their summaries to mine. - When pastor and professor David Murray found that Obadiah is the least-read book of the Bible, he wrote up a list of reasons we should enjoy studying the least popular book of the Bible. It’s really good.
More is on its way from the Overview Bible Project, everyone. I’m almost done with my infographics on the apostles, and I’m about 70% through my first draft on a Bible-study ebook for you.
Lots of stuff in the works . . . and if you want to make sure you’re always in the loop on this stuff, make sure you’re signed up to hear Overview Bible Project news:
Thanks, folks! I’d better get back to work. ;-)