God’s love never really goes out of style. We sing about it. We blog about it. We preach it. We (ought to) live it.
But I recently wondered: what does the Bible say God loves?
I usually find some interesting stuff when I dig up lists like these, and this one is no exception. Some of these were no-brainers. Some of the specifics surprised me, though.
What do you think?
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A few takeaways:
- The individual types of people really challenge me. God loves the aliens (the travelers far from home). According to Peter, Christians are the same kinds of people (1 Pe 1:1). It’s motivation to be more hospitable to others.
- Wow, God loves a cheerful giver. How do I think about contributing to my local church? How do I think about supporting missionaries? When I give, am I cheerful? I really should be: it makes God smile.
- The identity of “the disciple whom Jesus loved” is traditionally attributed to John, but the Gospel specifically calls out Lazarus as one Jesus loves—before anyone else in the book. I’ll be spending more time exploring Ben Witherington’s thoughts on this: he suggests that Lazarus is in fact the disciple Jesus loves.
- How deep the Father’s love for us! How vast—beyond all measure!
It’s pretty cool stuff, huh?
Just recently found your website and we’re thoroughly loving it. Have a question about printing the infographic out. If I highlight it and tell my printer to print “selection”, I only get part of it. If I try to copy to MS Word, so I can print it, I only get part of it. Is it possible to get the whole infographic printed?
Thanks, Bob
Hi, Bob—I’m glad this info is helpful! We’re in the process of overhauling some of our infographics into posters—but unfortunately right now we don’t have a better printing option for this piece.
Its so refreshing and beautiful stuff. I love every bit
As per 2 Cor 9:7, I think the giving, in this context, does not mean give to the “church” only. There are numerous scriptural admonitions and examples (good Samaritan for one) that address individuals giving to or benefitting (using resources) the poor that are distinct from giving to a church. In fact, to be wise about giving, we (in the West and Africa) would have much greater impact, regarding the poor, by providing direct aid due to how corrupt the visible church has become. Giving to missionaries and tried and true Christ-centered organizations such as Voice of the Martyrs is an alternative. Just my two cents.
I agree. The Church, as I understand it, is the Body. People… not particularly organizations. I personally have begun something new, to me. I try and ‘pay it forward’ whenever the Spirit of the Lord places someone in my spirit. Could be someone who simply looks lonely in a restaurant/bar…. could be the person behind me in a fast-food, or whomever. I simply have never seen where I could ‘outgive’ the Lord! EVER… and I am in my last quarter of life! I’m challenging myself…..
A wonderful blessing for all. Thank you so much.
This is really amazing work brother…thanks for the hard work…
Very good! Thank you.
Thank you
Wow! awesome stuff!!! Thanks for sharing.
You should make a list of what/who God hates to contrast.
Do you have one with every fulfilled prophecy and every prophecy yet to be fulfilled?
Nope! That would be pretty awesome, though.