Free Hebrews study guide

Want to study the book of Hebrews, but not sure how or where to start? Boy, oh boy, am I glad you’re reading this. I just finished our first downloadable study guide, and it’s totally free.

It’s a pretty simple primer for studying the epistle. We’ll look at some high-level characteristics of Hebrews, and you’ll walk away knowing:

  • How Hebrews fits into the rest of the Bible
  • Why this letter was written
  • What the major themes in the book are
  • How the book is structured
  • Whom the book was written to
  • How those difficult warning passages fit into the whole message

You will not learn:

  • Who wrote the book.

Sorry; there’s no definite answer to the age-old question in this little ebook. If I had the answer, the book wouldn’t be free. ;-)


Stuff you can do with this Hebrews study guide

  • Read and study Hebrews by yourself for the first time. You can think of me as your Hebrews tour guide: I’ll point out the major landmarks and explain some of the things that don’t fully resonate with our modern culture. Each section has some practical next steps that you can take to get to know the book on your own, too.
  • Lead a group study. You can make a team sport out of this: your friends and church family can download the ebook, and then you can all work through it together.
  • Revisit Hebrews. For some of you (like my parents and my mother-in-law), the epistle to the Hebrews is an old friend. This ebook won’t go over anything new or groundbreaking, but the way I’ve structured the epistle might help you remember (and teach) it even better!
  • Spread the word about it!

Get the guide

Enough of my blabbering—download the Hebrews study guide now. =)