How Firm a Foundation: lyrics and illustrations

How Firm a Foundation: lyrics and illustrations

The hymn, How Firm a Foundation, was published back in 1787, attributed to an author only known as “K.” It contains five commonly accepted verses—each with just four lines—but the original contained two additional verses. How Firm a Foundation is very...
The Theme Verses of Hebrews

The Theme Verses of Hebrews

One exercise I like to do when outlining a book of the Bible is finding a theme verse (sometimes a couple of verses) that nicely sums up the book—or at least gives me a hint at its structure. When I wrote my first overview of Hebrews, I landed on this: Let us hold...

The Illustrated Guide to the 12 Apostles

You’ve seen a few infographics on the 12 apostles trickling through this blog—and I’ve promised you that something bigger is coming. Now it’s here. Adrien and I just finished our first ebook for the Overview Bible Project: The Illustrated Guide to...
Free: Bible icons for all 66 books

Free: Bible icons for all 66 books

A Christian college professor recently emailed me with an idea: what if there were a set of Bible icons for all 66 books of the Bible? It’s a great idea, but the “what-if”s are off. It’s happening. We’re all in this Bible-study boat together. This website began as a...