by Adrien Converse | Jan 14, 2015 | Bible facts
The Bible is full of weird facts. Some are confusing, others hilarious. As I was reading the account of Solomon building the temple designed by his father, David (1 Ki 4–9), I did a double-take. An odd sentence caused me to jolt to a stop and read again. Now this is... by Jeffrey Kranz | Jul 23, 2014 | Bible facts
The Bible is brimming with strange, intriguing, and sometimes LOL-worthy tidbits like this. One of the names of Satan is Beelzebul (or Beelzebub). We see the Pharisees trying to explain away Jesus’ authority over demons by saying Jesus is an agent of Beelzebul,... by Jeffrey Kranz | Jun 17, 2014 | Bible facts
The Bible is brimming with strange, intriguing, and sometimes LOL-worthy tidbits like this. God calls plenty of people in the Bible, but I’ve only found eight times he calls out to individuals by name twice in a row … Abraham! Abraham! God gives Abraham one last... by Jeffrey Kranz | Mar 31, 2014 | Bible facts
We all love hearing about the (good) things God has said He’ll do for us—but what about the things God won’t do? I guess there’s a good reason people focus on the positives: the positives are pretty amazing. God comforts His people (Is 51:11). God...