The Bible covers a long history of the nation of Israel and the beginnings of the Christian movement. It can be tough to wrap your mind around the 2,000+ year saga that the Bible tells, but fortunately for us, Matthew gave us a good way to break it down.

Four chapters of biblical history

The New Testament begins by splitting the Old Testament events into roughly three chapters (Matthew 1:17), and beginning a new era. These chapters are still useful for understanding the Bible’s timeline today.

This whiteboard video will give you a feel for the overall timeline of the Bible by breaking biblical history down into four simple chapters:

  1. Abraham to David
  2. David to the Babylonian exile
  3. Exile to Messiah
  4. The age of the Messiah, or “These last days” as some New Testament writers put it.

Granted, there are important stories that take place before Abraham’s time. The introduction of sin, God’s rescue of Noah from destruction, and the Tower of Babel all set an important backdrop for the bulk of the Bible’s material. But in terms of grasping the general timeline of events in the Bible, these four chapters are the most important things to know.

Four key covenants in biblical history

These chapters aren’t arbitrary: they’re only significant because of the relationships that existed between God and people when they were taking place. So another important thing to keep in mind when thinking about the Bible’s timeline is the agreements, or covenants, at play during these chapters. These key covenants are:

  • God’s covenant with Abraham
  • The Law of Moses
  • God’s covenant with David
  • The New Covenant in Christ

Here’s a snapshot of the whiteboard from the video

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